Well, its over. The official decommissioning of the USS Kamehameha
took place on April 2nd,
2002 at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Our ship's reunion took place on March
30, 2002. Many former and present
crewmembers, family members, and friends of the Kamehameha were
Our base of operations for the reunion
was the Westcoast
Silverdale Hotel in Silverdale, Washington.
The Navy provided a trip
to visit the Kam in dry dock at 1000 on Saturday. Due to security
reasons, only the former crew members were allowed to
go and not any others such as family members. A number of us who
traveled from the east coast arrived too late to make the visit. This
was the only disappointment of an otherwise great weekend.
We had a hospitality
room on the 2nd floor that was the scene of just a little drinking
and telling of many old sea stories.
Buff Brink, Mel Sprinkle and Chief
J. J. Lynch and Greg LaCoy. Greg's father, Marvin H. (Pappy) LaCoy
served on Kam in the 60's.
Steve Spolidoro, a former QM and Bud
Atkins Gold Crew COB.
The reunion party at the Trident Ball
Room on Sub Base
on 30 March was a Hawaiian-style Luau with a roast pig, shrimp, chicken, and other
treats. The food was awesome! We had something like 60 Hawaiian
dancers for entertainment.
The name of the group that danced is:
Halau Hula O Healani, Mai Ka Aina O Na
Kumu Laau Ki'eKi'e which means: House of Hula of Healani, From the
Land of Tall Trees.
We had lots of time
to reminisce with old friends. This is Joe Ozentoski, Greg Pancerev,
and Marty Flaherty, Three nucs from the 1983 to 1986 era.
Easter Sunday was a family day. Some
of us made to to the beautiful city of Seattle. I am told that a few
of us found our way to the Horse and Cow later that night too.
Memorial Service 
Monday April 1st, we attended a submarine memorial ceremony at Deterrent
Park on Sub Base Bangor. They have the sail and rudder of the USS
Woodrow Wilson (SSBN 624) along with some of the superstructure. That
is Captain Noreika speaking. The TTF building is in the background.
Here is a photo of the plankowners who
attended the ceremony.
Old shipmates Marty Flaherty, Greg
Pancerev, Pat Lockard, Shawn Lockwood, and Brian Ansbach, standing by the
Capt Leddick, first Blue Crew CO, 64-67
Capt Noreika 74-78
Don Angiletta and Bill Hupe. It WAS kind
of cold out there.
Capt. Leddick, Bob Baldwin, and Admiral
Bacon. ADM Bacon was the first
gold engineer on Kam. He was a LT. at the time.
Decommissioning Ceremony 
The official decommissioning ceremony for USS Kamehameha (SSN
642) was held at the PSNS
gym at PSNS Bremerton, Washington at 10:00 am April 2, 2002.
Admiral Sagerholm and Kert Beal.
We had a live closed circuit television
view from the Kam in the drydock.
This is the final salute as the
commissioning pennant and union jack are being hauled down for the
last time.
A reception was held immediately after the decomm ceremony.
Former captains cutting the cake.
More pictures to come soon!!!